A traditional school with a contemporary heart


The school has five houses - Coldstream, Deaker, Grant, Pearce and Uttley.

Some families have had young men in a particular House for generations. This, and the sense of belonging and family that permeates the school means that the annual House Competition is fiercely contested and is held across a number of events throughout the year. These include Sports’ Day, the House Chant for Sports’ Day, two singing competitions, the Haka, Lip Sync and Sevens. Each House is led by a staff member supported by a Year 13 House Captain and two deputies.

Read below for a message from each House Captain.

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House Captain: Taine Withy

Coldstream House has a proud history in both the sporting and academic fields, and has created a legacy for being the best house. 

Coldstream is mostly hostel boys with a mix of a few day boys, creating a house with a very strong culture and brotherhood. This along with the passion that the boys show is what I believe gives us the upper hand against the other houses.  

Members of Coldstream pride themselves on upholding the school values – especially respect and perseverance. We show this on the sporting field and most importantly in the classroom. This starts from the top with Coldstream having great teachers, and every year new Year 13 students stepping up to the leadership roles. 

We encourage everyone to try new things and to try their best in whatever they are doing. We are a tight-knit house, and you will definitely make new friends on your way through school – and life long memories.

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House Captain: Thomas Jennings

Deaker, a house that enthusiastically applies all the school values, even when not in the public eye. Deaker House members pride ourselves on giving everything our best effort and will encourage the people around us to do the same. Our dedication to these values is reflected in our results – culturally, sporting and academically – as we often place on the podium. 

A highlight of the school year is athletics day, when we get to slap red paint on ourselves and run around having a laugh, with everyone wondering who has the best costume.

Deaker will warmly welcome your son into the house with open arms, help build competitive spirit and encourage him to strive for his best. He will be able to openly express himself and is sure to build memories that will last a lifetime.

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House Captain: Mika Muliaina

Grant House upholds a rich tradition of excellence in both sporting and cultural fields, whilst still maintaining great academic achievements. Grant displays the schools’ values at school and beyond, resonating throughout the wider Southland region. The boys who have the privilege to be in Grant epitomize respectful young men that show passion towards their culture and a deep appreciation of others.

Grant is filled with boys that show pride and mana when participating in interhouse competitions, whether sporting or cultural – known to be dominated by our signature green colours. Grant showcases the brotherhood that Southland Boys’ High School desires through the backing of one another and celebrating the achievements of everyone. This creates an energy and excitement within the house that is felt by all of our students.  

As the upcoming house competitions loom on the horizon, the boys of Grant House eagerly anticipate the chance to showcase our skills and add to our impressive track record. Grant looks forward to welcoming the next generation of young men who will proudly carry on the traditions, ensuring its legacy of excellence is continued. 

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House Captain: Magnus Jamieson

Pearce House has a long history of sporting elite and academic achievers – some performing well in both – and we encourage everyone to participate in school traditions like sports day and cultural. 

Pearce may not be one of the strongest houses, most of the time battling it out for 4th place, but what we lack in size, we gain back in the enthusiastic lads that are proud to be members of the mighty Pearce House. Some of the most important events at Southland Boys’ High School are the house shield challenges. 

Pearce has never had the pleasure of lifting the shield, but with the help of your son, it may happen. We welcome you into the brotherhood of Southland Boys’ High School, and Pearce House. 

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House Captain: Max McKenzie

Uttley House has a long-standing tradition of sporting and academic excellence, whilst being a prime example of the school’s core values. Those who are a part of Uttley belong to a brotherhood that prides itself on perseverance and determination whilst creating bonds between the boys in the house. 

Uttley house and the Uttley classroom block get their name from the fifth Rector of Southland Boys’ High School – Dr George H. Uttley, who served from 1930 - 1946. George Uttley created the legacy and brotherhood that members of Uttley display – whether it be in the classroom, house competitions or cultural challenges.

Uttley has been known as the underdog over the years but we are gradually climbing the house ladder to take the top spot. We have a strong spirit and we are looking forward to every opportunity to show the other houses what Uttley can do.