A traditional school with a contemporary heart

From the Deans

A reminder from the Deans of their expectations this term, regarding attendance, uniform, and visitors to the school. And the success of having no phones in the classroom!

There is nice feel around the school in classes, with everyone having had a great break and the weather also playing a part.

Southland Boys' High School places a high level of importance on attendance, as research shows there is a direct relationship between attendance, student wellbeing and academic achievement, especially at the NCEA level. The Ministry of Education consider regular attendance to be 90% or above. To ensure we keep our attendance levels high, your son's Tutor Teacher, as well his Dean, will be monitoring attendance percentages regularly and informing you if your son's attendance percentage falls below 85%. All up to date attendance information can be found via the SBHS school portal.

It is important that if your son is going to be absent from school,  you make contact as soon as possible and inform the main office or by using the school bridge app. This will ensure we keep up to date and accurate records.

Please make sure you sign in/out at the office if you are late or leaving for an appointment.
It is very pleasing to see our boys coming through the gate in correct uniform. Please be aware that we are also ensuring our year 9 & 10s are in correct P.E. uniform for their classes. If you need assistance with uniform of any kind, please contact your son's Tutor Teacher.
The majority of our boys have adapted to having no phones in their classrooms. It is great to see boys engaging in conversations face to face and talking about their learning. Staff have also commented they no longer have to spend valuable time making sure phones are switched off and away. We thank you all for your support with this.
Please contact your sons Tutor Teacher if you have any concerns, need assistance, or want to check in with your son's progress.

Visitors on school grounds
If you have anything that needs to be dropped off to your son, please bring to the office. Visitors are not permitted to walk through the grounds during school hours.