A traditional school with a contemporary heart

Inductees to the Southland Boys' High School Club

Congratulations to the 14 inductees to the Southland Boys’ High School Club for 2022.

Established in 2018, the Southland Boys' High Club celebrates academic achievement at the highest level – achieving all required NCEA credits at Excellence. Entry to the Club is marked by the presentation of a Cap, awarded at the first level achieved, with Silver on the second cap, and Gold on achieving all three. 

The 14 new inductees bring the total number in the Club to 54 inductees – with a total of 10 Gold Caps.

Congratulations to the following students for achieving academic excellence in 2022:

Charlie Hopcroft: Many students struggle to standout of the crowd, but if your last name is Hopcroft, just standing out in your own family is difficult in its own right. Since joining SBHS in 2018 as a Year 7 student Charlie as gone from strength to strength. As a Year 11 student in 2022 he had already become a standout for the 1st XI Cricket and the 1st XI Hockey squads, and this year he was given the rare honour of being presented with the game ball against the Willows. Charlie is a proud member of the Hostel and gives back to his school in numerous ways. In 2022 Charlie studied Agriculture, English Advanced, Art, Science, Mathematics advanced and Commerce. Throughout his studies he managed to amass 81 Excellence Credits. We are extremely pleased to induct Charlie in to the SBHS Club and present him with his scholars Cap. 

Lucas Jennings: If someone had told Lucas what he was going to achieve during his time at this school, he would have been amazed. Since enrolling as a Year 7 student in 2018 Lucas has risen to prominence in two sports and has represented the school in Softball and made the South Island Squad for Waterpolo. This year Lucas has also managed to squeeze school service into his portfolio by acting as a ‘Boys to Men’ mentor. In 2022 Lucas studied History, Commerce, Mathematics Advance, English Advanced, Health and Physical Wellbeing and Science. Throughout his studies he amassed 84 Excellence Credits. It is our pleasure to induct Lucas into the SBHS Club and officially present him with his Scholars Cap. 

Magnus Jamieson: Somewhere between the ages of 3 and 5, most people will learn to ride a bike, so to rise to prominence in a sport, that literally everyone takes part in, takes great effort. And to represent your country in that sport takes extreme dedication. Since joining SBHS in 2017 Magnus has proven that he has both. He has represented the school in Waterpolo and has given back to the school as a Boys to Men Mentor, he is a National Cycling squad member and holds a National Title. Considering the amount of time and effort that Magus pours into his devotion to cycling it is amazing to think that he found time to rise to academic prominence, but those that underestimate Magnus tend to do that only once. In 2022 Magnus studied Commerce, English advanced, Art, Science, Mathematics advanced and Health and Physical Welling. Throughout his studies he amassed 87 Excellence Credits. It is s a great pleasure to induct Magnus into the SBHS Club and present him with his Scholars Cap.

James McLeay: It would take James less time to run one of his races than it will for me to list his accomplishments across the many fields that he excels in. James has represented the school in debating which shows his mental dexterity, he acts as a Mentor through the Boys to Men programme which shows his understanding of service, he is the school cross country and athletics champion, he holds records in track events in Southland and has medalled repeatedly at the National Athletics and National Cross-Country championships. Pearce House are firmly pinning their hopes of success in next years Athletics Day on his shoulders. With all that, it is amazing to consider the following. In 2022 James studied Commerce, English Advanced, Mathematics Advanced, Science, Geography and Health and Physical Wellbeing. Through these subject James was able to accrue and astounding 122 out of a maximum of 126 Excellence Credits. It is our distinct pleasure to induct James into the SBHS Club and present him with his Scholars Cap. 

Gregor Rutledge: In a school as old as SBHS, it is extremely difficult to do something for the first time. However, in the modern era of SBHS there has never been a student who has managed to gain three of our coveted caps. Gregor has managed to rise to elite level in three areas, he is a capped member of the 1st XI cricket team, a capped member of the 1st XV and its current captain and now a capped member of the SBHS Club for his academic prowess. Rounding all this off Gregor is also the Head of Uttley House. In 2022 Gregor studied Accounting, Advanced English, Mathematics with Algebra, Geography, Physical Education and Physics. Through his studies he gained 60 Excellence Credits. It is our pleasure to induct Gregor into the SBHS club and present him with his Scholars Cap. 

Raymond Xie-Jones: Raymond is the epitome of an SBHS success story. He is a School Prefect, a key member of the SBHS Chess Team, Debating Team and a Senior Librarian. This year he has extended his love of Chemistry to act as a senior Lab technician. In 2022 Raymond studied Chemistry, Geography, Physics, Extension English, Mathematics with Algebra and Biology. Through his studies he amassed 63 Excellence Credits. The staff of this school are extremely proud of the effort that Ray puts into this school and we take great pride in being able to induct him into the SBHS Club and present him with his Scholars cap. 

Fraser Wilson: It is amazing what a person can cram into a very short amount of time. In 2022 Fraser entered SBHS for the first time. In the space of one year he rose to prominence in multiple areas. He is a key member of the 1st XV, Head student of Coldstream house and a school Prefect. In 2022 Fraser studied Advanced English, Mathematics with Statistics, Chemistry, Agri-business, Physical Education and Physics. Through his studies he amassed 64 Excellence Credits. It is our pleasure to induct Fraser into the SBHS Club and present him with his Scholars Cap.

Jack Hume: Proving the value of the hostel to the fibre of this school, we move from one senior hostel member to another. Jack is the current Head Boarder of the Hostel and a school Prefect. Having joined the school in 2019 as a Year 9 student, Jack has ensured that he is a contributor to every aspect of the school. He has taken part in Cricket, Rugby, Hockey as well as being a key leader and valued member of the hostel. In 2022 Jack studied Media Studies, Economics, Advanced English, Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics with Statistics. Through his studies he amassed 65 Excellence Credits. It is our distinct pleasure to induct Jack into the SBHS Club and present him with his Scholars Cap. 

Cameron Scully: The trend of greatness living across the road continues. Our next inductee is the proudest Coldstreamer since Jack Taylor. Cameron is the Deputy Head Boarder of Coldstream Hostel, a school Prefect, a vocal supporter of the school and can easily be seen and heard at the head of the Blue Army. Cameron is an SBHS Tennis champion, member of the 2nd XV, a hockey and basketball player and a Prefect of this school. In 2022 Cameron studied Biology, Mathematics, Advanced English, Outdoor Education, Agri-business and Media Studies. Through his studies he amassed 67 Excellence Credits. It is our pleasure to induct Cameron into the SBHS Club and present him with his Scholars Cap.

Fynn Mitchell: Any list of hostel heavy hitters would be remiss if it did not include Fynn. In 2019 Fynn joined this school as a Year 9 student, since then he has quietly gone about the business of doing amazing things that beggar belief, but if you are not paying attention you would probably miss his achievements because the best word to describe him would be humble. Fynn is a key member of the 1st XI and has received Blues awards for his Hockey prowess. However, Fynn’s key talent is his inability to get lost, he regularly takes part in Adventure races that span days and hundreds of kilometres over some of the remotest terrain in the country. We managed to keep Fynn still long enough this year to find time to place a well-earned Prefect tie on him and he has worn it well all year. In 2022 Fynn studied Agribusiness, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics with Algebra, Advanced English, and Agriculture. Through his studies he amassed an impressive 73 Excellence Credits. It is our pleasure to induct Fynn into the SBHS Club and present him with his Scholars Cap.

Our final group stand on the brink of something truly amazing. It is excessively difficult to gain membership into the SBHS Club at any level, however, if a student can gain entry in Level 1, 2 and 3 they are awarded the Gold Cap, our next presentations are the students that are vying for a Gold Cap this year having been inducted in 2021 and 2022. 

Matthew Smith: Our first Silver award goes to a student who has represented the school in both Hockey and Softball and then gone on to represent Southland in both codes, in 2021 and 2022 he was selected to represent New Zealand in Softball. He is also a member of the 2nd XV and has been a key member of the school choirs throughout his time at SBHS. Matthew has also held lead roles in Junior and Senior productions. This year Matthew’s talent and service to the school was acknowledged when he was named as a Deputy Head Student, and he wears the braided blazer with pride. In 2022 Matthew studied Biology, Physical Education, Physics, Mathematics with Algebra, Advanced English, and Media Studies. Through his studies he amassed 60 Excellence Credits. It is therefore our pleasure to re-induct Matthew into the SBHS Club and represent him with his Scholars Cap.

Jak Morton: Our second sliver award goes to a genuine all-rounder. Jak is a member of the senior touch team, the 1st XI Cricket team and the 2nd XV has represented the school on several occasions. This year Jak’s contributions to the school were acknowledged when he was named as a Prefect. Jak is a quiet achiever, but his achievements speak very loud volumes to those around him. In 2022 Jak studied Chemistry, Mathematics with Algebra, Physics, Business Studies, Advanced English and Physical Education. Through his studies he gained 61 Excellence Credits. We are very proud to re-induct Jak into the SBHS Club and present him with his Scholars Cap. 

Ruairidh MacCallum: Our third silver award is no stranger to this stage and, to be fair, to any of the stages in Southland. A showman, a leader, and an inspirational young man. Ruairidh has helped to redefine what it means to be an SBHS student. He is choir caption, a leader in the debating teams and has held lead roles in junior and senior productions throughout his time with us. Since joining us in 2017 Ruairidh has shown that he is a leader and a creative problem solver. This year he was elected overwhelmingly by staff and students to act as the Head Boy and the braided blazer would seem out of place on any other shoulders. In 2022 Ruairidh studied Chemistry, Mathematics with Algebra, Japanese, Design and Visual Communication, Advanced English and Media Studies. Through his studies he amassed an astounding 87 Excellence Credits. It is our pleasure to re-induct Ruairidh into the SBHS Club and present him with his Scholars Cap. 

Oshadha Perera: Our final inductee has single-handedly shifted the very fabric of what is possible at SBHS. He is a leader of the SBHS Chess Team, a senior librarian and Lab Technician, but they are just ripples on the surface of a deep lake of accomplishments. Oshadha has won national academic awards in the Sciences and English writing competitions, he is a poet and an analyst of the highest order. All of the recipients of caps today have proven that they have the ability to be perfect - I am not sure if there is a word that defines what Oshadha has accomplished, so I will let the numbers tell the story. In 2022 Oshadha studied Chemistry, Mathematics with Algebra, Biology, Computing, Physics and Advanced English. As a Year 11 Student Oshadha gained 140 out of a maximum of 143 Excellence Credits. Last year as a Year 12 student he gained 117 out of a maximum of 121 Excellence Credits. In two years, that is 257 Excellence Credits. It is our pleasure to re-induct Oshadha into the SBHS Club and award him with his Scholars Cap. Oshadha is the true embodiment of an academic elite.