A traditional school with a contemporary heart

Chess Power Tournament

Qualification for the national chess tournamant in Auckland!

Our chess teams recently attended the Chess Power tournament at Southland Girls' High School - achieving third place overall and qualifying for the national tournament in Auckland in October!

Our teams played seven rounds of chess in total. Oshadha Perera, Jay McWilliam, Benjamin Steininger, Aston Wijkstra, Raymond Xie-Jones and Kit Zoreno were formidable throughout the day. Max Bekhuis (Year 9) received two badges for how well he defeated his opponents, while Mason Steel (Year 7) made a valiant debut. Special mention must be made of Luka Salesa who had a couple of wins, although he is new to the sport and is best known for his rugby. (His rugby ball was also in attendance!) William Devery and Tyrone McLeod did us proud too.

Mrs Sales reported that the boys showed great sportsmanship in representing the school. Seated in the front two rows of the prize-giving ceremony, our boys encouraged and congratulated the other players. Our students' energy and laughter (Jaziah Smith and Raff McIntosh) made the day memorable for all. 

Thank you to all who made it possible for us to attend the tournament and represent Southland Boys' High School.

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