A traditional school with a contemporary heart

New Rector Appointed

The Southland Boys’ High School Board are pleased to announce the appointment of Ray Laurenson to the role of Rector at Southland Boys’ High School.

The Board engaged the services of experienced recruitment specialists EDSOL NZ, to support them with the appointment of a new Rector, which was a rigorous and robust process. The Board were pleased at the significant number of high calibre applications received in response to the advertised position. 

Co-Presiding member Emma Smaill, said she is delighted that Mr Laurenson will be leading Southland Boys’ High School through what will be an exciting phase of development.

“The decision certainly wasn’t an easy one for the Board due to the excellent interviews given by shortlisted candidates.” 

“Ray does have a wonderful understanding of the school’s history and culture. His passion for Southland Boys’ High School is unparalleled and his ability to connect with all members of our school community is a real asset and something that stood out during the recruitment process.”

Co-Presiding member Chami Abeysinghe says, “Ray brings with him a wealth of experience in teaching and learning. His long-term vision for the school is progressive and detailed and aligns with the school’s strategic direction.” 

“Ray clearly demonstrated a strong commitment to advancing the institution's mission and as a Board we were unanimous in our decision to appoint him as the school’s next leader,” she went on to add.

Mr Laurenson has over 20 years of teaching experience and considerable management experience. He is the current Acting Rector at Southland Boys’ High School, a position he held in term 2 this year and since the departure of the school’s previous Rector, Mr Simon Coe. Mr Laurenson has previously held the positions of Deputy Principal and Acting Principal at Aparima College.

Mr Laurenson says he is excited and extremely grateful at the trust and support shown by the Board. 

"Southland Boys' High School means a lot to me, so to be given the chance to lead it is a real honour. I was thrilled when the call came through offering me the job.” 

“Southland Boys’ High School has been an integral part of my life for such a long time. I met my wife here and I still have vivid memories of my children learning to walk in the upstairs classrooms. Now I have been placed at the helm and given the responsibility of leading the team as we continue to teach, guide, coach and nurture the leaders of tomorrow."

"I am truly humbled." 

Mr Laurenson will take up his new role with Southland Boys’ High School on Tuesday 20 August 2024.