A traditional school with a contemporary heart

Deep Cove Writing - Room 19

Writing from Room 19's trip to Deep Cove.

Deep Cove  

Rain, rain everywhere 

On the ground and in the air, 

Who cares, there’s fish here. 

Sam Lankow


Fish In The Water

As I drop my line down into the dark and gloomy water of Deep Cove, I can feel the heavy rain battering my face, freezing it like a popsicle. 

Our squid bait on the chopping board tickles my nostrils with an unpleasant aroma. 

Out of the corner of my eye I can see Blake reeling up his line quicker than a flash of light. 

The sound of the rain drumming on the canopy above me fills my ears like I have dived into the water right below me. 

I can still faintly taste the beans I had for breakie, (“Whoops” I haven’t brushed my teeth this morning, definitely an accident!”). 

I feel a bite on my rod, and I reel it in. 

Sam Lankow


Late Night Nachos

As I’m walking down the track, I see nice green leaves and brown branches. I’ve still got the taste of last night's nachos in my mouth and no amount of water is enough to wash it down. The extra-long johns that I put on didn’t stop the sandflies from biting. As I breathe through my nose I can smell sandfly repellent. It appears to annoy me more than the sandflies! I can hear the waterfalls rushing down. It makes me shiver as I get closer and closer to the waterfalls. The nice warm sun glares off the water and gets brighter and brighter as I get closer. We turn the corner and there it is, a big, beautiful waterfall! Now, I’m thinking to myself.... it was the right idea to come on the walk.

Slade Moeke-Fordyce 

Deep Cove You’ll Go

Rain pouring down onto my jacket I felt that it was not as waterproof as described, My boots soaking up water like 2 big sponges. My fishing rod dripping with water like wet hair after a shower. I could smell the fish guts used for bait and heard Helena Falls gushing with water. Every second the wharf was getting more submerged with water and everyone was crowding around where the sharks were, which gave me plenty of room to fish. A shiver went down my spine the colder I was getting. I was super tired but nonetheless I was enjoying the fishing and I couldn’t be happier. As the bell rang, I wondered what we were going to have for dinner tonight? 

 Liam Frew  


Life At Deep Cove

Too long of a bus ride 

We all thought we were going to die 

When the Kea got the news 

He kept trying to steal our shoes 

Looking for glowworms in the night 

They were glowing oh so bright 

People up all night long 

While the Weka sang its song 

Going fishing every day 

No big fish came to play 

Going tramping in the bush 

People kept trying to push 

People running in the hall 

Mrs Boyce trying to catch them all 

Harrison Milne 

The call of the bird 

The call of the bird 

So peaceful and beautiful  

it is always heard. 


The peaceful trees sway  

As the large bushes rustle  

All through the cold day 


The miserable rain  

Drenches me in cold water 

And fuels waterfalls. 

Oliver Payne 

Fishing at Deep Cove  

As I stood on the wharf, fishing rod in my hands, and life jacket on, I gaze up to the magnificent waterfalls, spewing out litres and litres of freezing water a second. I wonder how it could ever rain enough to supply them!  

I snap back into focus as I hear a shout, and realise that someone has caught a fish. I start feeling the cold, and I wonder when we are going. I think back to our walk, that was in between trees and bush, on the Old Doubtful Track, and with sandflies nipping us the whole way. 

Zachary Wijkstra


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